Act as a responsible corporate serving the communities touched by the business and
caring for the environment
The environment regulates various natural cycles that happens on daily basis, which help in
maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Various human activities
are the major cause of environmental degradation and International Shipping which relies heavily on
residual fuel emitting about 3 per cent of global carbon emissions is no exception to it.The most
concerning is the Global rise in temperature resulting Climate change which can be directly
attributed to rising GHG. Having taken due cognizance of the fact we have adopted certain control on
CO2 emission from our operative fleet through Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) even
before the proposed IMO deadline of Jan 2013.
Our new built vessels comply with the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) as per IMO guidelines.
Singapore Office
6 Shenton Way #18-08B. OUE Downtown Singapore - 068809
Tel: +65 6262 2166Kolkata Office
1405, Godrej Genesis, Block EP & GP, Sector V, Saltlake, Kolkata 700091
Tel: +91 62923 28177Mumbai Office
106, 10th floor Maker chamber Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021
Tel: +91 62923 28176